








Workpackage 12: Project Management & Dissemination

Workpackage leaders

Nikolaos Koutsouleris

Nikolaos Koutsouleris

LMU - University of Munich


Natascha Perera











Objectives of the Workpackage

The main objectives of WP12 are to ensure the proper overall management of the project, to set up and maintain effective internal communication and external dissemination of the research results, and to make sure that PRONIA’s data acquisition, analysis and commercial exploitation processes are based on ethical standards.

Description of the tasks

The undefinedUniversity of Munich, as the Coordinator of PRONIA, and undefinedARTTIC are responsible for WP 12. Scientific coordination and management of the scientific activities and their progress is in the hands of the Coordinator and the team at the University of Munich. Acting as the right hand of the Coordinator and as a permanent help-desk for all project participants, undefinedARTTIC takes on responsibility for project management and controlling, contractual management, communication management and resources management.


Furthermore, the team of WP 12 will implement a comprehensive dissemination strategy for PRONIA. This also includes the organisation of professional and efficient project meetings. An important task of WP 12 is to create and sustain public awareness and therefore develop a comprehensive dissemination plan, dissemination material that will specifically target focus groups of the project: care-givers, patient groups, patient organisations, schools, and community-based mental health services.


Furthermore, the WP 12 team will regularly appraise together with the Ethical Advisory Board the ethical standards and guidelines involved in PRONIA’s activities.

WP 11: Exploitation <<


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